Tepes Ovidiu PRESENTS

Letter Burp
type and stack!
Quirky typing meets stacking in this unusual game
What's this about?
It’s a good time to play something different. Meet the juicy letter stacking game never seen before!
How to play?
Type and spawn letters, then rotate to adjust their position and ultimately stack them in order to create various words. Unlock plenty of cusomizable!
Who is this for?
The game applies for both gamers and non-gamers, a quick break from the daily hustle and bustle.
There’s difficulty for everyone and it increases gradually. The various hazards provide an extra level of difficulty but do not worry, if you get stuck, any level can be skipped.
Letter Burp is a quick break from the daily hustle and bustle.
It's just different from the plethora of games available.
They bring more diversity and challenge to the game.
Main Features
For less than the price of a coffee (the price to unlock the complete game) you can enjoy my game game with no ad interruptions and all the upcoming updates for free.
Plenty of hazards that provide variety and challenges
100+ levels to unlock!
Quirky graphics
Game Center.
Haptic Feedback. (can turn on/off).
Optimized for all devices;
Simple controls, suitable for any age.
Play Offline, no internet connection required to play. (flying much?)
No violence, stress-free; play at your own pace.
Not collecting any personal data. No ads.

How much?
The game is available for free and there is an in-app purchase to unlock more level packs. No ads, not collecting your data.
© 2024 Crevasse. All rights reserved.
letter burp
Press Kit
About the developer
Ovidiu Tepes (Crevasse Studios) based in Transylvania, Romania.
Previous Titles
Plant with Care - Featured in the "New Games We Love", "Coming Soon", "Best New Games, "What We're Playing" on the App Store. Google Play Indie Corner feature.
Memory Stamps - Featured in the "New Games We Love" , "Coming Soon", "Essential Indie Games", "What We're Playing" on the App Store
Cessabit - Game of the Day on the App Store & Google Play 2020 Indie Game Festival Finalist
Vestigium - Game of the Day on the App Store
1/2 Halfway - Game of the Day on the App Store & Google Play Indie Corner Feature
Railway Canyon - Featured in the "New Games We Love" on the App Store
The Longest Drift - Featured in the "New Games We Love" on the App Store
My Winter Album - Featured in the "New Games We Love" on the App Store
Matchy Moods - Featured in the "New Games We Love" on the App Store
Not Chess - Featured in the "New Games We Love" on the App Store and Google Play Indie Corner "February's Spotlight".
Supported Platforms and Release Date
iOS App Store - October 8 2024
Android Google Play - October 8 2024
Windows Itch.io (future release)

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